Might & Magic X: Legacy Barbarian Class Profile

It’s time to take a closer look at the Barbarian, which – as you might have expected – is the character class we’ll be picking when our party in Might & Magic X: Legacy is a bit lacking in the melee damage output area. A little something to get you warmed up:

The Barbarian deals the most melee damage with melee weapons, and favors using two-handed weapons or two weapons at once. Therefore he prefers the mace or axe. But his life is rather low, he is not particularly good at evading, and to make things even worse, he has no idea of how to use a shield. Anyway, he’s capable of redirecting damage.

Light armor is his first choice, and he once heard how to use a bow.

Race specialty

As already mentioned within the Character classes and races, the trainers and character development as well as the Freemage and the Ranger posting, the race of a character’s class grants some specials. In the case of the Barbarian, it’s the Orcs’ Specialties:

‘¢ Additional safety roll (20% chance) to avoid the conditions (Paralyzed), (Sleeping), Poisoned), (Feebleminded), (Weak) and (Cursed).
‘¢ Any damage versus demons is increased by 20%.
‘¢ Any critical damage is increased by 20% of the normal damage.

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