Might & Magic X: Legacy Dungeon Creation Q&A

The official Might & Magic X: Legacy website is sporting a new “behind the scenes” Q&A with Limbic’s lead level designer regarding the steps he takes when building the game’s dungeons and the challenges involved with making each unique. A snip:

Which factors make dungeon creation complex?

Lots of small rooms and lots of game mechanical finesse make a dungeon complex, and that of course adds to the time we need to create it.

How do you make sure the different dungeons in the game don’t resemble each other too much?

First, we have different tile sets, like for example Castle, Palace, and Ruins. The different assets have to be used differently, for example some types of dungeons need to be built with thicker walls than others, due to the way the tiles are designed. This makes the dungeons seem very different in the first place. But of course we also try using the assets we have creatively, doing unexpected things with them in order to make it beautiful.

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