Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes Interview

Capybara Games co-founder Nathan Vella took the time to answer a handful of IGN’s questions about their forthcoming handheld strategy/RPG, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes.

IGN: I wanted to pick your brain on that, yeah. The game is packed with content. It’s a huge RPG experience, and there’s so much to do in it. Is there any areas that you really wanted to expand on, or any ideas that there just wasn’t time to get in there? It seems super packed, but I’m sure there were still the times where you went “Oh man! If there was more time we’d totally…”

Nathan: We managed to cram in some of the stuff we thought we wouldn’t get a chance to add, which was one of the best parts of the game. When Lead Designer Greg and Writer Dan pitched the idea for bosses, it was late in the game. But we loved the idea and Ubisoft got behind it, even though we didn’t have too much time left. It turned out to be a great addition. As for content that got left on the cutting room floor, man, there was so damn much we wanted to do so bad. We had a slew of special battle concepts that we just couldn’t squeeze in, even a lot of units got nixed after being developed. Some of them were pretty cool but their attacks or spells were so creative that balancing them would have been a nightmare.

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