Monomyth Update – Beta Details

Having delayed the backer beta for their dungeon-crawling RPG Monomyth a bit, Rat Tower Software brings us this Kickstarter update that outlines the contents of said beta and shares a couple of sample screenshots.

Here are the text bits:

Hi, dungeon-crawling fans!

You are probably wondering where your beta invitation is. Unfortunately, there will be a slight delay of a few days. There are still a couple of things I would like to fix before getting the first test version into the hands of backers. Perhaps a few details about the beta content itself:

Area: The initial test (Beta 0) will focus on roughly 25% of the game’s content. The players will venture into the Lysandrian Heartlands – the contested caverns around the fortress.

Quests: There will be multiple quests, each of which can be solved in different ways.

Dialogue: The NPCs in the first area have ~5000 words of dialogue; in total, the game will probably have between 12 and 15k words. For comparison, that is about as much as “Vagrant Story” or “Zelda: A Link to the Past”.

Feature Info: Swimming and an early version of blacksmithing are in the game. Fishing will be added soon.

Testmode: All testing will be done through Steam. You will receive a beta test key via mail. This is not the final game key and it will be deactivated once Monomyth releases. You will then receive your regular key.

Codebase: As you probably know, the latest version of the game uses a largely refactored codebase. There are still a few minor aspects that have not been ported to this codebase yet (e.g., sound effects, short animations, etc). These will be reintroduced shortly.

Menus: Beta 0 will have a minimalist menu & intro since these are currently being reworked.

Debugging Tool: I have recently created a user interface for debugging. You can cause quite a bit of chaos with it but I might make it available to beta testers.

I am working as fast as possible and I hope everything will be ready by the end of the week.

See you soon!


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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