Monomyth Updates, $33,731 and Counting

With slightly over two weeks left in Rat Tower Software’s Kickstarter campaign for their first-person dungeon crawler Monomyth, the project is currently sitting at $33,731 pledged. And with the game now essentially funded, its campaign updates (#8 and #9) mostly revolve around the recent demo patches. For example:

Hi, dungeon-crawling fans!

The latest version of the demo is now available on Steam,, and indieDB!

Here are the patch notes:

  • You can now rebind your controls (System -> Game Settings)
  • You can now skip the intro (Press Esc twice)
  • The character menu will now show descriptions for character attributes
  • The documents tab has been restructured and renamed to “Notes”
  • Documents now use a bigger font size and are easier to read
  • There is new a skill menu providing an overview of skills and your current character build
  • You can take all items from a container with the “Activate” button (Standard: F) and close containers with the “Inventory” button (Standard: Tab) or ESC
  • Increased the radius of “Magic Arrow” projectiles which should be easier to aim now
  • Slightly increased base movement speed
  • Post-processing options should work again (these are temporary “overall” settings)
  • Slightly increased the range of swords
  • Fixed the range on the “Wooden Club”
  • Equipment checks now work on the basis of equipment-adjusted attributes instead of raw character attributes
  • Toned down particles on “Divine Light” – also, the particles should now correctly disappear after death
  • Fixed collision on bushes at the trader’s gate.
  • Improved chimney collision
  • Accelerated horizontal mouse sensitivity to better match vertical sensitivity
  • Character names are now limited to 30 letters
  • Fixed a glitch that would let players escape the map and enter the serpent bastion’s cellar/caves
  • Players should experience slight performance increases
  • Toned down the glitter on fireflies when AA is turned off.
  • You can no longer mantle through stairs
  • Minor fixes in spell descriptions and balance
  • Various invisible bug fixes

If you downloaded the demo on Steam it will automatically update. If you used the files from or indieDB you will have to re-download the data (you should be able to re-use your old characters though).

Best wishes and have fun!


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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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