Monster Hunter: Rise Interview – Coming to PC in 2022

Capcom’s Ryozo Tsujimoto and Yasunori Ichinose recently sat down with Fanbyte to discuss their upcoming co-operative action-RPG Monster Hunter: Rise. The resulting interview covers the team’s decision to go with a portable console as the game’s primary platform, its distinct visual style, the new Rampage missions, and more. It also lets us know that Rise will be getting a PC release in early 2022.

Here’s a quick excerpt to get you started:

Monster Hunter has been portable in the past, but usually to the detriment of graphics and controls. The Switch doesn’t have quite the same limitations. It’s a damn sight more powerful than the 3DS or PSP and has those crucial dual analog sticks. Capcom also “set out to make a game for the Switch,” and so “were aware of its shortcomings and abilities.” Ichinose and Tsujimoto alleged that no dream feature or major new addition wound up on “the cutting room floor” as a result of the portable.

And while it’s not as dense or lush as MHW, Rise does play fast and fluidly. It would easily feel at home on more powerful hardware. Which is exactly what the duo confirmed at the end of our interview. Rise is coming to PC in early 2022. Though it’s “still very much in development.”

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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