Monster Hunter: Rise – Sunbreak Free Title Update 1 Available

The latest Monster Hunter digital event presented the first free title update for Monster Hunter: Rise – Sunbreak, highlighted some of the new content, and mentioned several of the game’s still upcoming updates. You can find the patch notes for the latest update here, read more about them here, and watch the digital event below:

And here’s just a quick update trailer:

And an excerpt from the official content overview:

Title Update 1 – Content Overview

As you can see, there’s lots of new content coming to Sunbreak, from new monsters and gear to the expansion of the endgame with more Anomaly Quests, the new Anomaly Investigation feature and Qurious crafting!

We’ll be touching on those below to give you an idea of what you can expect, so grab your dango and get comfy…

New Monsters and Locale

That’s right, we’ve got four new monsters for you to hunt as part of Title Update 1!

Many of you will be aware of Lucent Nargacuga and Seething Bazelguese, but they’re also joined by Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos, who are more than ready to turn up the heat!

Lucent Nargacuga & the Forlorn Arena

Lucent Nargacuga is a Rare Species of Nargacuga that was last seen in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate back in 2013!

This Flying Wyvern has the ability to use its bright white fur to refract moonlight, allowing it to become invisible. Think Chameleos, but much more agile! We suggest keeping a lookout for the red glow of Lucent Nargacuga’s eyes…

Oh and watchout for this monster’s vicious poison attacks too!

You’ll be taking on Lucent Nargacuga in its home territory, the Forlorn Arena, a returning locale that’s been carefully recreated to preserve and further enhance the foreboding and mysterious ambience of this area…

Seething Bazelguese

Seething Bazelguese is a Variant of Bazelguese with a twist, its explosive scales are constantly active, making it much more dangerous than its base version.

Not only that, but it can go into an even more powerful state where it literally seethes with rage where it’ll shower the area with critically volatile scales.

Keep on moving and keep a Wirebug handy, just in case!

Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos

Two more Rare Species have arrived in the form of Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos!

They can go into a powerful Incandescent state where they’ll attack with even more ferocity, raining blue fire down on all that dare challenge them.

The team have also given them both some new moves for Sunbreak, so if you thought you knew them from hunting them in Iceborne, a whole new challenge awaits you!

New Monsters, New Gear!

That’s right, all these new monster additions bring with them new armour and weapons for you to craft and wield in the hunt! All of the armour sets that you can forge from materials of the monsters added in Title Update 1 also come with new skills as well, so we hope you have fun trying them out!

Get a closer look at a couple of the sets below:

Embrace the moonlight with Lucent Nargacuga’s gear!

Become truly incandescent with Golden Rathian’s gear!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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