More Details on Xbox 360 Version of Age of Conan

videogaming247 has some additional detailed coverage of the story of Age of Conan on the Xbox 360 that we covered earlier. To be precise, they note the game will probably be “on console 12 months after PC” and it is explained how it’s an ideal fit for the Xbox 360.

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures game director Gaute Godager has said that he believes that the MMO’s unique and controversial combat system, which has been scathed by some critics, will be ideal for the conversion of the game to a 360 format.

Speaking at a GDC presentation of the title’s PC version, Godager said that the system had worked through a number of technical difficulties in converting the traditionally PC-bound MMO format to console, and that the 360 version would include even more content than the already enormous PC version. A 360 game should be expected around 12 months after the PC release.

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