More Gloomfrost Equipment

Before talking about tonight’s update, I’d like to let everyone know that I will be leaving in about 6 hours to Daytona Beach for Spring Break insanity. I will be returning on Monday, but in my absence, Flagg will be posting up the next two installments of the HoW “Question of the Day”. After Friday’s question, our next batch of questions will be addressed to Doug Avery about Baldur’s Gate II and its expansion, so be sure to head over to our Baldur’s Gate II area and submit your questions.

Anyway, thanks to one of our viewers, Lucian, we’ve been made aware of two hidden Gloomfrost weapons that can be obtained by talking to Tiernon with either a dwarf or a druid. Tricky, tricky.

Updated Pages: Scimitars (includes Talon of the Gloomfrost), Warhammers & Clubs (includes Blood of the Gloomfrost)

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