More of Morrowind, an Interview

The designer of one of the great (we all hope and pray) single-player RPGs on the horizon, Morrowind, speaks about general aspects of the game on both PC and the Xbox in an extensive interview with GameSpy. Here’s some delectable melt-in-your-mouth chewy gaming goodness:

Q: What is going to set Morrowind apart from the other RPGs coming out this year and early next? What can we look forward to?

A: We create our games open-ended. You can go do what you want. You do not follow a predetermined linear path, like in the other games. We want you to make the character you want and go do what you want. Join the Legion, become an assassin. We don’t care. Just have fun. We try to create virtual worlds and factions that have real motivations. So we try to allow you to interact with all these people in a realistic and meaningful way. In addition, the game never ends, even after you finish the main quest. You can go join the Mages Guild and try to become the Archmage. You can also download new quests and content created with the Construction Set that adds right into your game.

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