More Wizardry 8 Spoilers

Don’t read on if you want to wait for the manual, but I’ll say that what you’ll read is a only a minute bit of information about the game, relative to what’s in there, and some of this you wouldn’t exactly call a spoiler. The same person who provided the list of 101 spells (if you scroll down the page) has provided a small list of 16 of the instruments your bard can play throughout the game, though I think this list is only a fraction of the real thing. Another dedicated fan decided to type out all of the 15 class requirements and their prime and secondary skills, which can be useful for planning your party once the game hits. This is what he posted on the new class, the Gadgeteer:

*Minimum Requirements*
Strength 45
Intelligence 55
Piety 0
Vitality 0
Dexerity 60
Speed 0
Sense 55

Experts in Engineering, the Gadgeteer can make deadly devices
from mundane items he finds during his travels. His ability
to tinker is so legendary that his objects are sought the
world over – unfortunately, they are often so complex that
none but a Gadgeteer can use them! The Gadgeteer’s natural
engineering training has also taught him much about Modern
Weapons and Locks & Traps. All Gadgeteers come with their
own homemade weapon, the Omnigun.

Abilites and Traits:
Merge Items Into Gadgets

Primary Skill:
Modern Weapons

Other Profession Skills:
Ranged Combat
Locks & Traps

Starting Equipment:
Bullet Stones
Cloth Shirt
Cloth pants
Omnigun Mk 1

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