Morrowind Developer Q&A #11

RPGVault has continued with their Morrowind Developer Q&A sessions, this time posting number 21 in the series. Here’s a snippet:

    Q: What are the two or three spells that you use most often, and why do you find them so useful?

    Matt Picioccio, Programmer: If I play as a Breton, I make good use of Dragon Skin, a very high-level shield spell. In most RPGs, defensive spells aren’t worth your time – you would have been better served using the same time/spell points casting a direct-damage spell. Not so in Morrowind. That spell has saved my character many times in melee combat with NPCs twice their size. My other favorite spell is a feature of the Imperial race – Voice of the Emporer. My target immediately comes under my sway, and I can usually complete quests in a far more judicious manner. If my Imperial bard needs to get a key from a Dark Elf warrior who could mash me into pulp in a few seconds, I’m not going to intimidate him – just VoE him, and I’m his best friend in the world. I can get what I need without taking a scratch.

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