Morrowind Preview and Q&A

RPGDot let us know that they plan a Morrowind tag team of previews today for your information insatiation on the RPG that’s going to set a new standard. For now, you can check out their Question and Answer session in the forum. Later, you’ll be able to see some new screenage and more thoughts on the game. I’ve already been there to visit and will say that its a worthwhile read. Here’s a small scoop:

1) Do I like it?

There hasn’t been a better RPG. Ever. And yes, it’s a full blown, more than full blown RPG. Prepare for a real treat. Everything else will pale in comparison. And you will loose your work and your family if you don’t pay attention.

Seriously: It is a quantum leap. There WILL be people that will not like it, but these will come from the Diablo faction, maybe. If you liked the complexity of Ultimas, if you liked the world of Gothic (not the controls *g*) – it will be a dream come true. Morrowind is immensly complex, immensly freeform and immensly big. For gameplay it will receive a 120% rating from me.


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