Mythos Preview

Stropp’s World has churned out another preview of Mythos as the editor continues to explore more of Flagship’s massively multiplayer action RPG.

As is normal with these things, the rarer drops tend to be for other classes. That’s not so bad since they sell to the vendor for a lot more than the white items. That alone has boosted my wealth, I’m up to around 70 silver now. It’d be a lot more, but I bought a couple of blue items which at the time wiped me out.

I only have one beef with the way items work for the Gadgeteer. I’ve come across a few dexterity weapons that have much better stats than my existing weapons. (Gadgeteers focus on the dexterity attribute, Bloodletters on strength, and Pyromancers on wisdom.) I picked up a very nice and deadly bow, and a couple of single wield pistols that combined would be better than my trusty rifle. However, for some reason, the Gadgeteers offensive spells – including Piercing Barrage and Napalm – only work for rifles.

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