Neverwinter Nights 2 Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Obsidian Entertainment’s Neverwinter Nights sequel start off the weekend. The first is at Uncompressed with an overall score of 3.5/5:

It makes me sad to think that if Obsidian has just taken another couple of weeks to fine tune things, this could have been a tremendously good game. The built in campaign is entertaining with solid pacing, character customization is deep enough to be engaging, and the toolset allows for limitless multiplayer fun. I am hopeful that after a couple of patches Neverwinter Nights 2 will be what I had envisioned after hearing that a sequel was announced.

Even taking the product as it is now, I can hardily recommend it to RPG fans, but the causal RPGer might want to stay clear until some of the bugs get worked out. I mean come on; it’s not as bad as Pool of Radiance.

And the second is at GameZilla with an overall score of “Fans Only”:

With a clumsy interface and some pretty serious performance issues, I think that NWN2 could’ve used a lot more polish. However, it is built perfectly for the hardcore DnD fan. It delivers a more accurate DnD experience than many other games I’ve seen, and if you’re into that, you’ll definitely find this game worth it.

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