Neverwinter Nights BeOS Interview

BeGroovy has posted up an interview with BioWare on the decision to port Neverwinter Nights to the BeOS operating system. There isn’t a whole lot of new information about the game itself, but it’s still a good read on why BioWare made some of their development decisions. Here’s a text bite:

    Q: Other companies (None as cool as BioWare, obviously!) have shied away from developing for BeOS and other OSs, citing the old “Not enough users to justify the cost of development” argument. This chicken and egg argument is one of the main reasons new OSs never achieve mainstream acceptance, and we thank BioWare for including BeOS in the Neverwinter Nights project. Why did BioWare decide to step up to the plate and cater for such a wide platform base, when simply aiming at the mainstream would have still made BioWare a killing?

    A: We felt NWN was such a solid game concept that we would be porting the game over to other platforms after completion. We decided to do the game portable from day one and make it work across the various platforms. Our thought was any costs incurred while under development would be easily made up for with the ease of porting.

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