Neverwinter Nights Questions & Answers

Neverwinter Nights is shaping up to be a combination of the mod-making fanatic’s fervent dream (the ability to create worlds on the fly), the RPGer’s single-player fantasy (an epic storyline), and a fun multiplayer experience (up to 64 players per module). Broken Pixel fired up an interesting Q & A session with Brent Knowles, the co-lead designer of the game. Here’s a 97% faithful reproduction of one of the real questions:

Q: The coolest feature I see about NWN is the Dungeon Master. If I am an old school pen and paper Dungeon Master, how much of a learning curve will there be? What about for someone who has NEVER played D&D?

A: For Dungeon Masters with pencil & paper experience, the learning curve should be very low. It is our intent to provide tools to empower, not limit, the Dungeon Master’s creativity. If someone is preparing to run a campaign for the first time, there will be some things to get used to (the art of storytelling), but a creative person will have no problem, either. To help ease the transition from player-to-Dungeon Master, we’ve simply built upon the player interface; by adding functionality to an interface that the player is already experienced with, we are hoping to encourage players to bring their own worlds to life.

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