Neverwinter Nights Review @ Electric Playground

The Electric Playground has written their review of Neverwinter Nights, giving it an overall score of 9.5/10. Here’s an excerpt from their interesting conclusion:

    This game kicks seven different kinds of ass (including “serious,” “major,” “big time,” as well as “and takes names” and there may be other varieties of ass this game kicks that I am not yet aware of). There is just so much to do I expect a flood of mail saying “Why didn’t you talk about [aspect]?” Well, ’cause like I said at the start of this review, I want to play the game, not write 20 pages about it. I am now going back to play NWN, in fact, I am going to pull another Neverwinter All-Nighter, and unless you’re prepared to offer sex or a lot of money, I do not wish to be disturbed.

    Do I make myself clear?

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