Next-Gen’s 30 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Not to be outdone, Next Generation has compiled a list of thirty games they’re excited to get some hands-on time with at this year’s E3. Breezing past Rise of the Argonauts, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix, and Fable II is Fallout 3 at #1.

Fallout 3 shows great evolutionary leaps every time it’s displayed for public viewing, with recent revelations the childhood simulating character creator, the 500 endings being particularly fascinating. Now that it’s coming precariously close to its announced release date, this E3 should represent the game’s biggest showing yet. If there are any surprises left in the title to announce, expect them to get announced at some point during the week. But even if there aren’t, Fallout 3 has already proven itself to be a sprawling, ambitious project that anyone in the gaming audience would wait to spend more time with.

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