Nintendo Releases Statement on Technical Switch Issues

It’s been just over a week since the Switch had its crazy hot launch, putting it into the fasting selling Nintendo console ever. Since this however, things haven’t been as brilliant – with an incredible number of reports claiming technical issues with the console. It’s nothing new of course – as you have to expect some problems on a launch of a fresh new console – purely down to the amount that is getting shifted.

It has come as good news for console owners that Nintendo has released an official statement to Time magazine.

“At Nintendo, we take great pride in creating quality products and we want our consumers to have a positive experience,” Nintendo’s statement said. “It is common with any new innovative consumer technology for consumers to have questions, and Nintendo Switch is no exception. There are no widespread technical problems, and all issues are being handled promptly, including the reports regarding the left Joy-Con Bluetooth connection”

As well as problems with the Joy-cons, there have been reports and concerns from console owners that the docking station is scratching the tablet’s screen. Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo America, told Time:

“As soon as I heard of this report, I asked my teams, ‘Have we seen this in our own experience?’ And the candid answer has been no.”

Thankfully, the reports of technical issues do seem to be fairly minor – and slowing down day by day. All issues are being sent straight to Nintendo’s support staff, who are offering individual help for those who need it.

Nintendo shouldn’t be too worried – as praise for the console is largely overpowering the complaints, with Breathe Of The Wild getting perfect ratings across a huge number of sites.

If you wish to see the full statement and Reggie tackle some other issues that have been reported with the console – head to Time.

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Kurt John
Kurt John

Kurt is studying Journalism in the sunny seaside town of Falmouth, situated in Cornwall. In between nosing out the latest news stories - he's getting lost in story driven indie titles, studying game soundtracks but is still recovering from the ending of Mass Effect.

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