No Man’s Sky Devs Relaunch Old Mobile Game for Their #1 Fan

Hello Games is best known for developing No Man’s Sky, the open-world survival exploration game that went from a huge disappointment to comeback story. However, they’ve recently been in the news thanks to their first-ever title, Joe Danger, which they’ve just remastered and rereleased. While the remaster of a mobile game wouldn’t usually be a big deal, the reason for this remastering is: Hello Games received a heartfelt letter from the father of an autistic boy who loved the game — and couldn’t play it after an iOS update rendered the game unplayable.

According to the letter, 8-year-old Jack was, to put it mildly, obsessed with Joe Danger: “He has a collection of toy motorcycles that are his ‘Joe Dangers;’ every motorcycle we see on the street is ‘Joe Danger’…” But it wasn’t just a video game for Jack; it allowed him a safe and comfortable space in which to interact with friends and family, by racing them in the game. It had become an important coping mechanism for a young boy who struggled with situations non-spectrum people might find simple. Getting to play Joe Danger was often a reward for being brave, as well as a safe haven from a world that could be a little too much at times.

So, at the behest of Joe Danger’s biggest fan, Jack’s father messaged Hello Games, appealing to both their business sense and their kindness. We’ll assume it was the latter that spurred their interest in bringing Joe Danger back to iOS, but whatever the reason, it’s here now! The recently remastered mobile iOS game is a touch-friendly remake of the original PS3 version of the game. A blend of Sonic, Mario, and a racing game, the player controls the eponymous Joe Danger as he rides his motorcycle through loops and over obstacles, grabbing coins and doing tricks to earn bonus points.

It’s easy to see how the simple yet satisfying gameplay of Joe Danger could be a soothing experience for a kid on the spectrum — and it’s beyond awesome that Hello Games took the time and energy to make it playable again. With all the negativity gaming in 2021 had, from NFTs to employee misconduct, or even just companies failing to deliver finished games, it was great to get a feel-good story from the video game world. Here’s hoping it’s the first of many this year brings.

Have you tried the new and improved Joe Danger Touch yet? Is someone cutting onions around here or something? Let us know in the comments!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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