Numen: Contest of Heroes Interview, Trailer

Gaming Nexus has kicked up a two-page interview with Numen: Contest of Heroes lead designer Ales Ulm about the as-of-yet unreleased mythology-based action RPG.

Can you talk about some of the RPG elements in the game? Are you using the traditional elements or are you changing things up a bit?

The character you play has a basic set of common stats such as intellect, strength or dexterity. As you level up you those are raised automatically but you also get several points to allocate as you see fit. By using weapons or spells you get more proficient at it if, for example, you keep casting fire spells, your fire magic skill will go up and when it’s high enough it can trigger Fire magic mastery which gives you additional bonuses.

There’s also a new gameplay trailer on, though the little text to be found within is in Russian.

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