NWN Top 10 @ Voodoo Extreme

Trent Oster of the Neverwinter Nights development team has paid a visit to Voodoo Extreme and posted up the “Top 10 Things to Do When Rolling up a Gnome Illusionist Character“. It’s a pretty good read and comes with three brand new screenshots from the game, so head on over and check it out. To get you started, here are #s 6-10:

    10) Start over with a real race/class combo…

    9) Name your character “mincemeat”…

    8) Beg the gods for some special ability to make you useful…

    7) Make a large number of fighter type friends. Someone is going to have to save your ass all the time and if they like you they will probably save you at least a few times before they realize how useless you are…

    6) Put all your ability scores into dexterity. If nothing else you can keep an enemy occupied for the rest of the party. With a high dexterity you might even survive long enough for a real character to save you…

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