Oblivion Iron Man Winner Revealed

Bethesda Softworks has announced the winner of their “Oblivion Iron Man” contest, which turns out to be a fan from Hungary who’s logged more than 700 hours in the game.

Without further ado, I’d like to congratulate Krisztián Kovács of Hungary as becoming the (Oblivion Iron Man.) With a gameplay time of 700:48:55, he was the official winner by nearly 50 hours. If you think about that, that’s like playing for the entire month of February even if it’s leap year! To quote Pete on the accomplishment, (Da-yum!)

Krisztián, 33, has been playing Oblivion since the game’s release replacing Morrowind as his favorite game. He claims that he doesn’t have much spare time, but when he’s taking a break from his job as a tinsmith, Oblivion is his favorite break from the real world.

Congrats to Krisztián! We’ll be sending out his copy of Oblivion, signed by Sean Bean and Terrence Stamp.

Overall, I’ve probably logged at least that much time into the game while doing our walkthroughs and equipment database. Too bad I use multiple characters.

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