Obsidian Entertainment Visit Report, Part One

NWN2 Warcry has posted the first portion of their Obsidian Entertainment visit report, which mainly focuses on a demo of Rogue Dao Studios’ Purgatorio module that was shown during the event. There’s some Mask of the Betrayer content sprinkled within too, though:

The first hour flew by though there was a short discussion of Mask of the Betrayer with Kevin Saunders and Feargus Urquhart. Here’s a bit of what Saunders and Urquhart had to say and a teaser for the next installment:

– MotB is the most polished game Obsidian has produced
– MotB was finished early to allow for extra time to bug-fix and to attain a higher level of polish
– MotB features 25-30 hours of gameplay
– MotB has more choices to make in the story giving it a less linear feel
– MotB camera modes allow players to be right IN the world, not just over it
– MotB allows players to experience the world by being close up and personal
– MotB allows for strategy mode to facilitate larger battles and strategic fights
– MotB allows for marquee selection of party members
– Locations
– PrCs
– Chants and spell effects
– In short: MORE, MORE and MUCH MORE!

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