OMNO Pre-Alpha Demo Released

Jonas Manke, solo developer and owner of Studio Inkyfox, has recently released a pre-alpha demo of his Kickstarter game, OMNO. OMNO is an atmospheric puzzle platformer, which began development back in 2016. Development on the game has really picked up the last year, with the developer working on it full time.

While the game is only in pre-alpha, the demo provides good insight into what the game is shaping up to be. The demo features full gamepad support, though the addition of an options menu to tweak basic settings like resolution and key bindings should be included.

Omno Demo Screenshot 1

The demo features two levels, those being the mountainous region of Agneya Plateau, and a desert. The game has a very gentle pace. It focuses on having the player progress through the world in a passive manner. The player causes little disturbance in the natural order of things. The player needs to gain energy that is lying around, and gently harness it by collecting it from plants or knocking on the ground with your staff.

OMNO Demo Screenshot 2

After collecting enough of these morsels of energy to activate a stone structure to trigger a change in the formation of the landscape to allow you to proceed through the puzzle. This introduction level helps players get a feel for how the game is played. The desert section is a barren area. The player can navigate through rings dotted around the map using a hover ability unique to this level.

OMNO Indie Shout Out News Screenshot

The calming flow of the gameplay gives me a sense that something extraordinary is in the making. If this type of gameplay interests you at all, I would highly recommend trying the demo. It can be received from the game’s website by signing up to the mail list. Once you have played the demo, maybe you will consider backing the game on its Kickstarter page. Visit the Steam Page to find more information.

OMNO is expected to fully release on Steam in Fall 2019.

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David Little
David Little

David, born and living in Dublin, Ireland, works as a volunteer PC Game article writer at The Zombie Chimp, as a PC game journalist. David plays all genres of games, but has a particular liking for open world, and a guilty pleasure for zombie games. Other favourable franchises include: Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto and Hitman.

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