Operencia: The Stolen Sun Release Date Announced, Story Trailer

Zen Studios’ upcoming dungeon crawler Operencia: The Stolen Sun now has a release date. Barring any last-minute delays, this Xbox One and Epic Games Store-exclusive title will be going live on March 29, 2019. And if you’d like to learn a bit about the game’s story and setting, you may want to watch this new trailer:

And read this story overview:

If you follow Zen Studios social media or our blog, you might be familiar with our newest endeavor – dungeon-crawler RPG Operencia. I’m happy to tell you that you’ll be able to embark on your quest starting March 29 on the Xbox One family of devices, including Xbox One X and Xbox Game Pass and the Epic Games store for PC.

If you’d like to see more of the game before release, follow GDC news as we will be showing the game to your favorite gaming sites. If you’d like to try the game out however, come by the Microsoft booth on PAX East for a hands on demo — and maybe leave with some exclusive swag!

Now that the launch date is set, join Jóska, your completely honest — and in no way untrustworthy — new ally in our Story trailer above. There is a lot you need to know, so let the scoundrel turned reluctant hero fill you in.

The land of Operencia is illuminated by the light of the Sun King, Napkirály — but he’s vanished! And with him, all hope for the future of his subjects. It’s your quest — may we say destiny — to get him back before everything dies and the land falls into darkness. This journey will lead you through places right out of Central European legends, like cursed castles, deep dungeons, and even the seat of Hadúr, the War God — The Copper Forest.

Okay, this might be too much to put only on your shoulders. Don’t worry — you’ll have plenty of companions who will join you to share the burden. Like Sebastian, a veteran warrior willing to do anything for his beliefs — maybe a bit too much if you ask Jóska… You’ll get to know others along the way, such as an actual star walking the world in human-like form, a stonemason plagued by the burdens of her past, or even one of the last members of the táltos order, shamans and witch doctors to Hungarian tribes of old.

And of course, there’s you, the youngest child of a humble farmer, who left the homestead literally following your dreams. Care to lead the way?

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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