Overlord Reviews

Another set of favorable reviews for Triumph Studios’ Overlord have made their way to the web. The first is at GameStyle with an overall score of 8/10:

Overlord is definitely a game worth checking out. It’s a sort of evil version of Pikmin with the ability to slaughter the innocent. It’s a shame that the title seems to be getting forgotten by the sales charts, even in the slow summer months, as it is one of the more original and fun games to come out in recent times.

The second is at PlayReaction with an overall score of 7.5/10:

Overlord in itself is a hot-potch of influences, with elements of Dungeon Keeper, Black & White, Fable and even Pikmin being fairly evident, but it is the concoction of all those elements that make this game a joy to enjoy repeatedly. Treat it as light-hearted, humourful fun and you have a game that will keep you coming back for more. The AI issues, path-finding quirks and the constraining linearity of the gameplay detract somewhat from the game’s appeal, but overall the pluses far outweigh the negative aspects.

And the third is at World 1-1 with no overall score:

Although the humor can get tired and the story predictable, it’s the sheer amount of mayhem that you can deal out with a personal army of your own that doesn’t get old as you prove to the world that you are the one and only Overlord.

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