
Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong Accolades Trailer

Big Bad Wolf Studio’s narrative RPG Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong launched roughly a month ago. And seeing how it was fairly well-received, we can now check out the official Accolades trailer highlighting some of the praise the game’s been…

Starfield Developer Interviews

Now that we had a chance to check out some actual Starfield gameplay, you might be interested in learning more about Bethesda’s next big project. To kick things off, here’s Bethesda’s VP of Marketing Pete Hines talking about the studio’s…

Monster Hunter: Rise – Sunbreak Demo Available

With the Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter Rise launching in a couple of weeks, on June 30, 2022, we can now sample its contents thanks to a free demo featuring a series of quests suitable for players of all skill…

SKALD: Against the Black Priory June 2022 Update

Having just released a new teaser for SKALD: Against the Black Priory, Scape-IT brings us this here project update for their retro-RPG that talks about the developer’s recent trip to Stockholm, the ins and outs of independent publishing, and some…

Neverwinter: Dragonslayer Now Live

With Gearbox now taking care of publishing, the Dragonslayer module for Cryptic Studios’ free to play MMORPG Neverwinter is now available simultaneously across all supported platforms. Inspired by the Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons sourcebook, this module introduces a new dragonslayer…

Fallout 76 – Test Your Metal Update Now Live

Test Your Metal, the latest arena-themed content update for Bethesda’s multiplayer survival RPG Fallout 76, is now live alongside a series of in-game events and a new progression season. You can find the complete update notes over here and watch…