
MythForce Quest System & Roadmap Reveal

Having launched MythForce into early access last month, Beamdog now brings us this here content update. It adds a quest system to the game that will let us unlock a bunch of new perks for our heroes. On top of…

Path of Exile: Sentinel Now Live

The Sentinel challenge league expansion for Path of Exile is now live on PC, and should be making its way to consoles on May 18, 2022. As usual, this expansion introduces some new mechanics together with a bunch of fresh…

Songs of Conquest Available in Early Access, Previews

Songs of Conquest is described by its developers over at Lavapotion as a turn-based strategy adventure game that fuses RPG, tactical combat and kingdom management. And while that may sound as just a list of video game genres, Songs of…

Starfield – Delayed to 2023

Bethesda’s upcoming sci-fi RPG Starfield was originally supposed to be going live on November 11, 2022. But with that date now less than half a year away, we get this Twitter announcement that lists the first half of 2023 as…

Elden Ring – Jeff Vogel’s Impressions, Part 2

With how much Spiderweb Software’s Jeff Vogel seems to be enjoying Elden Ring, we shouldn’t be surprised if his next new project after Queen’s Wish features plenty of experimental ideas and inventive systems. And I, for one, am all for…

Neverwinter – Siege of Neverwinter Event Live

In order to get us all excited about Neverwinter’s upcoming Dragonslayer module, Cryptic Studios now brings us a limited-time event during which the Cult of the Dragon will be laying siege to the city of Neverwinter. Naturally, this siege will…