
Darkest Dungeon II – Runaway Hero Paths

The Runaway is the new character class exclusive to Red Hook Studios’ Darkest Dungeon II. And as such, you might want to check out this article on the game’s website highlighting the two Hero Paths available to this new class…

SKALD: Against the Black Priory March 2022 Project Update

This month’s project update for Scape-IT’s retro RPG SKALD: Against the Black Priory shares a recent developer livestream and once again highlights the game’s powerful editor tool that will allow you to create all sorts of adventures of your own.…

Telepath Tactics Liberated Updates

Since its release a couple weeks back, Telepath Tactics Liberated has been getting a steady stream of minor patches that mostly deal with various bugs, but on occasion also introduce new features. These include customizable difficulty settings, official support for…

Wartales – Harag’s Marshlands Update Now Live

Shiro Games brings us the first major early access content update for their mercenary RPG Wartales. Featuring hours of fresh content, this update introduces a new region for you to explore, increases the level cap, adds new enemies, character building…

SpellForce III: Reforced Edition Controller Guide

Grimlore Games and THQ Nordic’s RTS/RPG hybrid SpellForce III is scheduled to make its consoled debut on June 7, 2022. And seeing how playing an RTS-adjacent game with a controller may understandably seem to you as something entirely impossible, we…

Guild Wars 2 – Looking Towards the Future

Following the recent launch of the End of Dragons expansion, ArenaNet brings us this hefty studio update where they outline their future plans for Guild Wars 2. The article includes a roadmap for the next few months, a look beyond…

Knights of the Chalice 2 Officially Released

Back in 2020, Heroic Fantasy Games successfully crowdfunded their latest RPG Knights of the Chalice 2, allowing the game’s backers to access the Augury of Chaos module right off the bat. But now, finally, you can go to Steam and…

Battle Brothers – The Witch Hunter Novel Available

Hot on the heels of the recent Of Flesh and Faith DLC, Casey Hollingshead, the lead writer on Battle Brothers, brings us a novel set in the game’s gritty world of mercenaries and monsters. Entitled The Witch Hunter and totaling…

Mechajammer – The Refracted Update Now Live

What looks to be the last major content update for Whalenought Studios’ cyberpunk RPG Mechajammer is now live. Following 8 lesser patches, The Refracted Update introduces a number of new quests, some balance and quality of life improvements, new merchants…