
Baldur’s Gate III – Pre-patch Announcement

A new early access patch should soon be going live for Baldur’s Gate III. That’s pretty much all this here announcement tells us. Well, that, the fact that the updated game will take up around 100GB of your precious drive…

Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness Release Date Announced

GrapeOcean Technologies launched Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness, their take on an isometric party-based fantasy RPG, into early access last year. And according to this recent Steam announcement, this Baldur’s Gate-inspired project should be getting a full release in about…

Neverwinter: Scaleblight Mythal Adventure Now Live

Scaleblight Mythal, a new Epic Adventure that concludes the story of the Dragonbone Vale module for Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment’s free to play MMORPG Neverwinter, is now live on PC and should be coming to Xbox and PlayStation…

CRPG Book: Expanded Edition Released

Back in 2018, the CRPG Book was released, featuring over 400 reviews for prominent RPGs penned by volunteers from all over the world and edited by one Felipe Pepe. And now, 4 years later, we have this update on the…

Hellgate: London – London 2038 Development Update #23

Following the launch of a new in-game event, we get this here development update for Hellgate: London’s massive London 2038 mod that primarily talks about the game’s updated loot tables, but also mentions the team’s approach to dealing with player…

Stoneshard – Year Two Anniversary Patch Available

Following two years of early access, Ink Stains Games’ turn-based RPG Stoneshard gets a new update that adds the previously-revealed Survival skill tree, some new gear and enemy abilities, new loot generation rules, and more. Here are the patch notes: