
Hellgate: London – London 2038 Development Update #20

Instead of a new patch and a Christmas event, we get this here development update for Hellgate: London’s London 2038 mod that apologizes for the delay, and then talks about the team’s plans for weekly in-game events. There’s even a…

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen December 2021 Newsletter

This year’s final newsletter for Visionary Realms’ MMORPG Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen brings us a Producer’s Letter, a Month in Review article, and a community spotlight. And to start things off, here’s the intro: Happy holidays to everyone! Before…

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning – Fatesworn Reviews

A couple weeks back, THQ Nordic released the Fatesworn expansion for Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning. And if you’d like to know how this new bit of content fits in with the rest of the game, considering it originally launched about…

Heroes of Might and Magic – The Digital Antiquarian

The previous entry of The Digital Antiquarian blog introduced us to the early installments of Jon Van Caneghem’s Might and Magic series. And with that out of the way, we now get this one that talks about the first Heroes of…

ELEX II Interview

Piranha Bytes’ creative director Björn Pankratz and game designer Jennifer Pankratz recently took part in this Twinfinite interview that was all about their team’s upcoming sci-fi RPG ELEX II. If you’d like to know more about the game’s unique aesthetic,…

New World – December Team Update

If you wouldn’t mind knowing more about the current state of Amazon Game Studios’ MMORPG New World, the upcoming in-game events, and the team’s plans for the future, you should check out the latest “Team Update.” The main part of…

Sword of the Stars: The Pit 2 Christmas Update

Earlier this week, Kerberos Productions released a new early access update for Sword of the Stars: The Pit 2. With this being the season to be jolly, the update spices things up with a bunch of presents granting XP, ammo,…