
Neverwinter Nights Coming To Cell Phones?

Neverwinter Vault is reporting that Neverwinter Nights may be one of twelve titles promised for Microsoft’s Smartphone. In addition to this story, PlanetDungeonSiege even has a picture from E3 showing a Neverwinter Nights intro on a cell phone screen.

Vampire: Bloodlines E3 Trailer

Activision has released the E3 trailer for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, which offers a bit more than one and a half minutes of in-game footage. You can download the trailer over at Gamer’s Hell right here.

Star Wars KotOR Items Feature #2

RPGVault has posted the second installment of their items feature for BioWare and LucasArts’ upcoming Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. A snippet to follow: Double-bladed Lightsaber Designed to inspire both fear and terror, many Jedi feel only those…

Neverwinter Wednesday

BioWare’s official Neverwinter Nights website has been updated with the following: HobgoblinNeverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide will include 19 new creatures, (3 of which were previously available online), and this week the creature we feature is the Hobgoblin! The rowdy…

Blizzard Reveals Three New WoW Character Classes

Visit Blizzard’s Town Hall to find out more about the new WoW Warlock, Hunter and Druid character classes and their ability descriptions. Don’t forget to check out the exciting new screenshots they’ve posted. Here’s a snip: Azeroth is home to…

Lionheart Forum Highlights

Lionheart-The Polish Inquisition has chosen some posts to highlight taken from the Interplay Forums. Here’s a sample: Will unarmed be of any use for a character who also puts points into melee weapons or is it just for specialists? For…

Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.62 Goes Live

Mythic Entertainment’s Matt Firor has posted the full v1.62 patch notes on the Camelot Herald. These are long! Check it out: ===================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.62 Release Notes ===================================== After a long development and testing cycle, here is…

Morrowind: Bloodmoon Interview

Gamers Depot has conducted an interview with Ashley Cheng, project leader on Bethesda’s new expansion for Morrowind, Bloodmoon. A snippet: Q: As Morrowind is already a very large world, what kinds of challenges did the team face when developing new…

Vampire: Bloodlines Interview

The guys at have conducted an interview with Leonard Boyarsky, one of the co-founders of Troika Games, about their upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. An excerpt to follow: Q: So what role does blood play in Bloodlines? A:…