
Morrowind: Bloodmoon Preview

Gamers Depot has written a preview of Morrowind: Bloodmoon, based upon a press copy they received. Accompanying the preview are several screenshots as well. Check it out: The new region looks to be possibly the most unique so far, and…

Top 100 Games of All Time

For all you loyal Baldur’s Gate fans this tidbit is from BioWare’s latest news. As of May 7th, the original Baldur’s Gate has made it into the top 100: At IGN! Baldur’s Gate has been rated the 63rd best game…

Shadowbane Review

IGN PC has written their review of Shadowbane, giving the MMORPG an overall score of 7.3 Their conclusion to follow: Overall Shadowbane is a decent game. It’s not great by any means, but it does provide one of the most…

Shadows of Undrentide Preview

Gamespot has a preview of Shadows of Undrentide, the upcoming expansion to NWN. The article covers apsects of the game ranging from the new prestige classes, new feats and spells, along with screenshots of the game sprinkled through the preview.…

Diablo II Skills Section Completed

The skills for every Diablo II class have been completed, including descriptions and skill trees of every skill in the game. Simply click on any class on the left, and then you’ll see a list of all class skills, in…

Shadowbane v1.0.5.4 Patch Coming Soon

The developers of Shadowbane estimate that this patch will go live next Tuesday. Here’s what they have to say about what the patch currently in testing will affect: Changes – Construction times have been reduced with higher ranked assets and…

Middle-Earth Online Forum Answers

On the official Middle-Earth Online forums Aradiel inquires about the size of the MEO world and travel times. Vivendi Universal Games MEO Producer, Chris Taylor, gives this response: Aradiel posts: I really don’t want to see that I it only…

“Middle Earth Online”: Development Agreement Signed

The Middle-Earth Online community website has announced that on May 9, 2003 Vivendi Universal Games, Inc. entered into a production agreement with Turbine Entertainment Software Corp. to develop “Middle-Earth Online.” Here’s what they had to say: Vivendi Universal Games, Inc.…

Diablo II Classes Updated

You can now find information on each of the seven classes of Diablo II including their initial stats, a picture, and level bonues by clicking on any of the links to the left under “classes and skills” on our Diablo…