
NWN Community Interview

NWVault has posted an interview with Kinarr Greycloak, about his work and experiences in customizing NWN. In the interview, he gives a few tips on cusomization, as well as some of his favorite projects. Here’s a small sample of the…

Lionheart Q&A

3DAvenue has posted a short Q&A with Bryce Baker, one of the designers at Reflexive Entertainment. Here’s a snip from the interview: Q: What kind of RPG elements are implemented? is there anything new Lionheart brings to the genre or…

ToEE Box Art & Possible Release Date

Jesse from Eye-on-Troika let us know that GameStop has made the official box art and a possible release date available for Troika’s upcoming Temple of Elemental Evil. If they’re right, it looks like we won’t be seeing the game until…

Reflexive Entertainment Site Update

Reflexive Entertainment has updated their official website with a brand new look, as well as twelve new screenshots from Lionheart to go along with it.

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II Q&A

The Armchair Empire has conducted an interview with Dave Maldonado, lead designer for the upcoming Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II. Here’s a bit of what was said: Q: How much character customization will be made available? Part of the attraction…

Shadows of Undrentide Site Update

BioWare has revamped its official Shadows of Undrentide website, adding new screenshots and plenty of new information on the upcoming expansion for Neverwinter Nights. Check it out!

Star Wars: KotOR Site Update

LucasArts’ official Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic website has been updated with a new utility droid called the T3-M4. Here’s a taste: The versatility of these handy little droids, combined with their reliable programming and affordability, has made…

Lionheart Item Feature #6

RPGDot has posted the sixth installment of their Lionheart Item feature. Here’s one of the items they take a closer look at: Chain Mail of Deepest Winter Forged from the scales of an ancient frost drake, a magical aura of…