
Darkfall Online FAQ Updated

Claus Grovdal of Razorwax let us know that they’ve updated the official Darkfall Online FAQ with more information about pets and hirelings, how armor will affect your spellcasting, and what they think of cheaters and hackers.

Neverwinter Nights Review @ Guru3D

Another Neverwinter Nights review has hit the web, and this time it’s over at Guru3D. Their conclusion isn’t quite as positive as many of the others we’ve seen, as you can read below: All in all, if BioWare would fix…

Neverwinter Nights Review @ Electric Playground

The Electric Playground has written their review of Neverwinter Nights, giving it an overall score of 9.5 Here’s an excerpt from their interesting conclusion: This game kicks seven different kinds of ass (including “serious,” “major,” “big time,” as well as…

Wanna be a Dungeon Master?

BioWare has released a thirty six page tutorial for all wanna be DM’s. This PDF file is aimed towards all of those out there who want to build thier own Neverwinter Nights world, check it out at Expect a…

New Shadowbane War Report

There’s a new War Report at the Official Shadowbane Website. This latest report in the “Clash of Kings” series details an attempted siege on the city of Akalabethia and a successful strike on the city of Wrath. Here is a…

Equipment Update

Tonight I’ve finished posting every single piece of armor available in Neverwinter Nights, bringing us to over 500 items total. I’ll start on the weapons tomorrow. Updated Pages: Amulets (includes all amulets available in the game), Bracers (includes all bracers…

Summon Shadow?

Hmmm… according to the Neverwinter Nights manual, there is supposed to be a 5th level Cleric spell called Summon Shadow. For whatever reason, my cleric does not have access to the spell. Either a) there is some sort of prerequisite…

Alignments & Attributes Online

I’ve posted up the descriptions for all nine alignments and all six character attributes. Enjoy. Updated Pages: Alignments (includes all nine alignments), Attributes (includes all six attributes)

Matt Firor Interview

Mythic Entertainment’s Matt Firor is the subject of a new interview over at GameZone, where they’ve asked him several questions about their upcoming expansion pack, Shrouded Isles. An excerpt: Q: Obviously from the name of the expansion pack, you are…