
DAoC Updated Review

Evil Avatar’s Elysium has written an updated review of Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot. For the most part, the review does a pretty good job of praising the game’s strong side and pointing out some of the flaws the game…

Morrowind Review @ WorthPlaying

The guys at WorthPlaying have reviewed Bethesda’s recently released Morrowind, giving it an unsurprising score of 9 Their conclusion to follow: Morrowind is only single player. Normally I frown upon single player only games, but this is an exception. I’ll…

Quick Realm Skill Point Q&A

It looks like yesterday’s v1.50 patch didn’t go as smoothly as Mythic would have liked, as Jeff Hickman stopped by the Camelot Herald to answer a couple of questions about next week’s reset to everyone’s realm skill points: Q. How…

Exploits in Dark Age of Camelot

Mark Jacobs paid a visit to the Camelot Herald to talk about things to come and to address a bug that was exploited by a certain few after yesterday’s patch. For those of you wondering what will happen to the…

Siege Editor Preview @ DS Heaven

Farmgirl from Dungeon Siege Heaven let us know that she’s written up a preview of the much anticipated Siege Editor for Gas Powered Games’ recently released RPG. Here’s a bit of what she had to say about it: After figuring…

Three New Neverwinter Models

BioWare continues to release additions to their free downloadable model viewer for Neverwinter Nights. Today, you can find the Helm Horror and Spell Effect #4 over at Neverwinter Vault and the Iron Golem at the Sorcerer’s Place.

Dungeon Siege Maps

Microsoft and Gas Powered Games have sent images of the two worlds (single and multiplayer) from the recently released Dungeon Siege to the staff over at IGN.PC. The images allow you to see where each of the areas of the…

Neverwinter Ad in PC Gamer

It appears that the June issue of PC Gamer has the first 4-page ad we’ve seen for BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights. If you don’t own a copy of the magazine, Neverwinter Vault has a scanned copy of the entire ad…

A Word From The Star Wars: KotOR Developers

Jay Watamaniuk, BioWare’s Community Manager, stopped by the official Star Wars: Knights of the Old Repulic forums to post some conversations he had with the developers of the game. The focus is on this year’s E3, where the team will…

Warlords IV Screenies

Erik from ToTheGame let us know that they’ve gotten their hands on eight new screenshots from Ubi Soft’s upcoming Warlords IV: Heroes of Etheria.