
Pendragon Patch Notes

The latest patch notes from Pendragon can be found over at Camelot Herald. Included are some minor changes to existing zones, some quest fixes, and some additional quests as well: Hibernia Quests: A low-level coin and experience quest has been…

Black Isle Studios Announces Icewind Dale II Collector’s Edition

Straight from my inbox: Definitive Collector’s Edition Is Available Exclusively At Interplay’s Online Store Irvine, California, April 16, 2002 – Black Isle Studios, the RPG (role-playing game) division of Interplay Entertainment Corp. (NASDAQ:IPLY), announced today their plan to create a…

Morrowind Site Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with the following news: We have released two samples from the Morrowind Soundtrack, created by award-winning musician and composer, Jeremy Soule. Download the Morrowind Theme and a sample of battle music. Also, we’ve…

Morrowind Preview

The latest Morrowind preview can be found over at Invisible Dreams. An excerpt to follow: Controls are very simple and the interface is among the best that I’ve used in a RPG. You’ll find that you can manipulate practically anything…

Scott Herrington Interview

GameSpy has tracked down Scott Herrington, Ubi Soft’s executive producer of the upcoming Shadowbane, for a thorough interview about what is going to make the MMORPG stand apart from its predecessors: Q: Tell us about the PvP concepts. How do…

Dungeon Siege Review @ MGON

And in more Dungeon Siege news, MGON has posted a review as well. Check it out: Sleep tight, Mr. Taylor, mission accomplished. Dungeon Siege is a breathtaking work of art; an epic masterpiece that stands out in today’s jaded gaming…

Dungeon Siege Review @ RPGDot

Rendelius of RPGDot let us know that they’ve posted their own review of Dungeon Siege today, which goes something like this: While you might find it very challenging to finish the game with your lonesome hero, Dungeon Siege is actually…

Camelot Item Changes

Sanya stopped by Camelot Herald today to let everyone know about several changes being made to various magic items throughout the game. Now, it’s always good to see Mythic fixing problems, but I was pretty disappointed when I read this…

Morrowind Eye Candy

You can find eight new screenshots of Bethesda’s Morrowind over at the foreign site

Dungeon Siege Review

The guys over at the Stratos Group let us know that they’ve posted their review of Dungeon Siege, giving it high scores all around. Here’s a bit of what they had to say: Despite the lovely addition of the packmule…