
Freedom Force Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Irrational Games’ superhero RPG have made their way to the web. The first is over at Gamer’s Hell with an overall score of 8.8/10: In the end, Freedom Force is one of the most…

Dungeon Siege Review @ GameAxis

The latest Dungeon Siege review can be found over at GameAxis, which goes something like this: It is very easy to get mesmerized by the beautiful landscapes and not notice the real-time shifts between indoor and outdoor areas or between…

Equipment Update

Lots of good stuff for Albion in this update, including all level 50 epic armor for the Cabalist, Infiltrator, and Mercenary. New/Updated Albion Armor: 28 ItemsNew/Updated Albion Weapons: 4 ItemsNew/Updated Hibernia Armor: 5 Items

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted up a Friday Grab Bag Q&A over at Camelot Herald, answering questions about email viruses, third party programs, armor factor, and other game mechanics… such as the following: Q: Why does (insert monster…

Morrowind Preview @ VE

The guys over at VoodooExtreme have written up a hands-on preview of Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind. A snippet to follow: Travel can be accomplished by foot or by beast. One of the initial beats you will find are called Silt Striders.…

BioWare Media Visits

The Edmonton Journal has published a story about BioWare, talking about some recent visits to their facility by various journalists to preview the upcoming Neverwinter Nights. Here’s what it is all about: Top international computer game writers are being wined…

Equipment Update

From what I’ve seen so far, there have been mixed feelings about the new database format we are now using. Some people love it, but others are not too keen about the zone/obtained fields not showing up on an item’s…

PvP Server Rules

Mark Jacobs paid a visit to Camelot Herald to let everyone know their preliminary plans for the upcoming PvP server. Here are the details: 1) No Realm affiliations. Players are free to join groups, guilds and alliances with any member…