
Dungeon Siege Reviewed

There’s a brand new review of Dungeon Siege over at Computer and Video Games, giving the game an 89 of 100. Be prepared to be presented with their signup page if you take too long reading. I’ll forego the excerpt…

Heroes IV Reviewed (not Previewed)

Though it’s questionable how much time they could have had with the final game, being that it was released within the last 48 hours, and not in the USA, UGO gives Heroes IV an A+ in their review. A+ is…

‘Nother Morrowind Preview

My how these things are like popcorn lately. There’s another hands-on of Morrowind at GameSpotUK for our anticipatory salivation. It’s coming out in May now so get ready. Thanks to Mark for the news. Here’s a rip from the article:…

Equipment Update

Here’s a smaller update spanning all three realms. I should have quite a bit more equipment for you tomorrow. New/Updated Albion Armor: 3 ItemsNew/Updated Albion Weapons: 2 ItemsNew/Updated Hibernia Armor: 7 ItemsNew/Updated Hibernia Weapons: 2 ItemsNew/Updated Midgard Armor: 6 Items

NWN Preview @ GamesDomain

A preview of BioWare’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights can be found over at GamesDomain today. Here’s a taste: Instead of thousands of players exploring a single game world, leveling up and camping to catch the latest monster spawn point, Neverwinter Nights…

Tradeskill Woes

For those of you who have reached the tradeskill plateau of 999, here is Sanya’s response over at Camelot Herald: At this moment, traders are stuck at skill 999. This is not intentional. The solution to this is not a…

Freedom Force Review

IGN PC has posted a very positive two-page review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 9.3 Here’s what they had to say in their conclusion: Freedom Force is, quite simply enough, a truly outstanding game.…

Another Dungeon Siege Preview

Loadedinc has posted another preview for the upcoming CRPG Dungeon Siege along with several new screenshots. Quote to follow: “The other major part of the game is the selection of a unique fighting skill for each character ranging from a…

Darkness Falls Screenshots

The Camelot Herald has been updated with two new screenshots from the upcoming epic dungeon in Dark Age of Camelot, Darkness Falls. Considering the screenshots are named “Demon Lair”, it makes one wonder just what type of creatures we’ll be…

Star Wars: KotOR Chat Log

There’s a log of Friday’s chat with the developers of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic over at GamesDomain. Here’s a snippet: Question: Even though its going to be fast paced, will there ever be a pause option anything…