
Icewind Dale II Development Update

Doug Avery, Associate Producer for Icewind Dale II, gave a quick development update on the official IWD2 website. Included in his update are some new screenshots (which I’ve mirrored here) and a portrait of a female Drow. Here ya go:…

Version 1.47B Patch Notes (Test)

Here’s a quick excerpt from the v1.47B patch notes on Pendragon: – A bug was causing all 2H weapon users to parry half as much as they should have. This has been fixed – all 2H users should see their…

Gamespot’s MS Preview

The second major player to add their own spin to the Microsoft Show in Sin City is GameSpot, and you can see their complete coverage of games like AC2 (Asheron’s Call 2), Dungeon Siege and Rise of Nations (a new…

Equipment Update (including Dragon loot!)

Thanks to Sininye and an anonymous source, I’ve added the first three pieces of dragon loot from Albion to our DAoC Armor and Weapon databases. Two of the three do not have screenshots, but they have been confirmed by a…

Pool of Radiance Walkthrough Finished

After months of hard work between Demis and myself, I’m pleased to announce that our Pool of Radiance walkthrough is officially complete. If you’ve been stuck at any point in the game, want to find areas you’ve missed, or just…

Version 1.47 Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.47 patch notes from Pendragon available on Camelot Herald. Here’s a bit of what’s to come: Hibernia: Sheeroe Hills: It is rumored that Maldahar has manifested new dark powers. War parties returning from the Sheeroe Hills…

Gamespy Presents Many Microsoft Moments

Scroll down a bit to find the Microsoft Press Release today about some of their upcoming games in 2002-2003. Bryn of Gamespydaily let us know that they are the first to offer multiple in-game screenshots of the games in action…

Shadowbane Updates.

Two pieces of news of late have surfaced. Ransom of The Crimson Empire has submitted another Beta Journal. And Vosx has particiapated in another mass developer chat about player vs. player combat at UnkonwnPlayer.

Music from the MMORPG Lost Continents

RPGDot scored a piece of music (no pun intended) from the MMORPG being developed by VR1 Entertainment. They call it an “escape” piece, such as when you’re running from and getting whacked from behind by creatures you thought you could…

Time for Asheron’s Call 2

GameSpy broke loose today with an impressive slew of Asheron’s Call 2 information. I might suggest beginning with this appetizing informative interview while downloading the 11 meg movie of the game in action (extremely impressive and who’d have thought they…