
Camelot Patch Notes Version 1.45

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has posted up the patch notes from today’s DAoC v1.45 update on Camelot Herald. Included in this release are epic zones (dragons!), more spells, more equipment to be found, more monster art, and lotsa bug fixes. Here’s…

Shadowbane Beta Journal

The official Shadowbane website has added a new Beta Journal written by one of the beta testers called “The Call of Saedron”. Included in the journal are several screenshots that go along with the story.

Warcraft III Beta Begins

Blizzard Entertainment’s official website has been updated with the following news: We’re pleased to announce that the participants for the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Beta test have now been selected. Over 100,000 people entered and approximately 5,000 people were…

Strategy Update

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted any strategy guides, but tonight I’ve added a new one submitted by one of our viewers for battling Nalmissra in Watcher’s Keep. Updated Pages: Strategy Guides (includes a Nalmissra strategy)

Dungeon Siege Screen Dabs

PCGamesOnline, the European site, is offering up twenty new screen super sugar smacks for our ocular refreshment. They’re pretty pretty, in a pretty colorful way. Go check ’em out.

J.E. Sawyer Interview on Monday

The official Icewind Dale II website has been updated with the following news: Attention Icewind II fans! Mark your calenders for the upcoming IWD II radio interview with Josh Sawyer. The interview will be featured on on Monday, February…

WP announces new team member

Yesterday, there was an article here that introduced a new staff member over at WolfPack. Here’s a rip of what Ashen had to say: For those of you who don’t know (which is pretty much all of you =), we…

Chris Taylor Interview

HomeLAN has posted an interview with Chris Taylor of Gas Powered Games about the upcoming Dungeon Siege. In it, they talk about several aspects of the game, such as game balance, storyline, magic, and more. Here’s a taste: Q: What…

More Camelot Test Patches

Sanya has posted both the 1.45F and 1.45G patch notes from Pendragon up at Camelot Herald. Here’s a snippet explaining why the AoE spells were added yesterday: In yesterday’s patch we announced that many spell lines that previously did not…