
Fallout Bible #2

Black Isle Studios’ Chris Avellone has released the second “bible” for the post-apocalyptic RPG series, Fallout. Check it out right here.

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Sanya has made another Grab Bag Q&A available over at Camelot Herald. Here is one of the questions she answers this week: Q: What is the resolution order of attacks and blocks? A: First, the game checks to see if…

EverQuest Legends

Thanks to RPGDot for noticing that Allakhazam has posted up the details to a new service available for 8000 players of Sony’s EverQuest. Here’s a rip from the site: Make your mark on EverQuest! Sony Online Entertainment is proud to…

DAoC Site Update

For those who don’t have the site bookmarked yet, you can now easily get to the site by typing instead of the full “darkageofcamelot”. Thanks to Buck for making that a bit easier. Of course, the long way still…

Morrowind Site Update

The official Morrowind website has been updated with the following news: We’ve updated the Items section of our Codex with information on a few of the many ingredients you’ll find in the game. Click here to find out more about…

Morrowind Developer Q&A #17

The seventeenth Morrowind Developer Q&A is up at RPGVault, this time asking several of the game’s creators what low-level items or spells they make the best use of: Jonric: Relatively low-level spells or magical items can sometimes be much more…

Warcraft III Betas @ EBGames

Miss your chance to get into the Warcraft III beta? Well, luckily, EBGames is giving away 50 more beta copies of the game, so head on over and submit an entry right here.

Version 1.45C Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.45C patch notes from Pendragon available over at Camelot Herald. I’m sure those of you who play an archer class will have a tough time with this one: We are making several archer changes in this…

Equipment Update

Azyke of Umoja took the time to send in 99 new and updated item screenshots from the realm of Albion today, which I’ve added to the database. Keep in mind that the new bracers, instruments, jewelry, necklaces, and rings all…

Once Upon a Time in Camelot

Camelot Herald has been updated with news of a contest that gives DAoC players the chance to submit a story, with the best one appearing as a quest in the game. Here’s a rip from Sanya’s post: Do you think…