
Morrowind Preview

If you head over to GamesDomain, you’ll find a new preview of Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind, which talks about both the game and its construction kit. Here’s a snippet: From what we’ve seen of it so far, Morrowind’s graphics seem to…

Equipment Update

Once again, here are several pieces of equipment from Albion and quite a few from Hibernia (thanks to Kole of Incubi). I’m not sure why people aren’t submitting Midgard equipment, so if you play a character from that realm, please…

Patch Notes v1.43 (Test)

Sanya has posted the version 1.43 patch notes from Pendragon up on the Camelot Herald. Here’s a snippet of what is to come: Due to numerous reports of buffs/debuff spells not having noticable effects (such as consitution buffs not modifying…

Matt Firor Speaks

Matt Firor made a post on the Camelot Herald earlier today that addresses some concerns people had with the abilities added to the Mercenary, Hero, and Blademaster yesterday. Here’s a taste: We’re getting to the point where we want to…

Patch Notes v1.42b

A small update (v1.42b) was added to the Camelot servers today that fixes a couple of bugs from yesterday’s patch: ======================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.42b Server Update ======================================== – We found and fixed a bug where only group…

Deus Ex 2 Preview

It’s a bit early to talk about the game since the game won’t be released before spring of 2003 but take a look at a preview posted from ActionTrip.

Dark Age of Camelot – The Next 30 Days

Mark Jacobs posted up another letter on Camelot Herald letting everyone know what their goals are for adding content over the next 30 days to their popular MMORPG. Here’s a snippet: Three new zones will be added to the game.…

Freedom Force Preview

IGN PC has whipped up a preview of Freedom Force, based upon some hands-on experience with the superhero tactical RPG. A snip: The game begins with the control of only one hero (The Minute Man on a mission to hunt…

Another Morrowind Editor Preview

Dalin from the Morrowind Summit let us know that they’ve posted the latest preview of Morrowind’s construction kit, focusing mainly on editing the landscape. Here’s a snippet: To place an object in the world, select it, and then drag and…

Equipment Update

Here’s a quick equipment update from the Albion and Hibernia realms. New/Updated Albion Armor: 5 ItemsNew/Updated Albion Weapons: 1 ItemNew/Updated Hibernia Armor: 5 Items