
NWN Development Update

Jay Watamaniuk, BioWare’s new community manager, made a post on the official BioWare message boards letting everyone know what each member of the Neverwinter Nights development team is working on. Here’s what Rob Bartel had to say: Rob Bartel- Co-Lead…

Brad McQuaid & Jeff Butler Start New Development Company

According to the following press release, Brad McQuaid and Jeff Butler, two of the most crucial people behind the development of EverQuest, have started their own development company and will be creating a third-generation MMORPG: New Massively Multiplayer Online Game…

Gas Powered Interview

GameSpy has conducted an interview with the guys over at Gas Powered Games about combat tactics in the upcoming Dungeon Siege. Here’s a taste: GameSpy: What kinds of areas of expertise can a party member develop and how flexible are…

Top 10 Least-Played D&D Classes

GameSpy has posted an article entitled the “Top 10 Least-Played D&D Classes“, giving a good laugh to some character classes that none of us have played (hopefully). Here’s a snippet from the Horse Thief: Dungeon Master: Clamping toward you on…

DAoC Searchable Spell Database

As promised, I have expanded our searchable DAoC databases with the addition of a spell database, allowing you to search over 1800 spells from all three realms in the game. If you find any discrepancies, or would like to see…

Morrowind Editor Hands-On

The guys over at GamePen were lucky enough to try out the editor for Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind and have written up an article describing its functionality. Here’s a taste: While it was only the editor – and not the actual…

Darkfall Online Site Update

The official Darkfall website has been updated with six new screenshots and quite a bit of new information in the FAQ.

David Gaider Q&A

Dragon’s Breath Forge has conducted an interview with David Gaider of BioWare, discussing Baldur’s Gate, Baldur’s Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, and even a little Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Here’s a snippet: Q: I noticed that in BG2…

David Gaider Q&A

Dragon’s Breath Forge has conducted an interview with David Gaider of BioWare, discussing Baldur’s Gate, Baldur’s Gate II, Neverwinter Nights, and even a little Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Here’s a snippet: Q: What can you tell me…