
Mythic on 3rd Party Software

Jeff Hickman made a post this morning about the use of External Communication Devices and their use with DAoC on the CamelotHerald. Here are Jeff’s words: Hello everyone! We realize that we have a vague area in our policy concerning…

Equipment Update

Today’s equipment update features quite a few of the new level 40 epic quest weapons (along with details for two of the quests). I play Albion, so unfortunately most of the equipment and quests are only from that realm, but…

Last Night’s Region Crashes

Sanya made a post on Camelot Herald earlier today that addresses last night’s crashing issues with certain regions. Here’s what she had to say: Those of you out on the frontiers last night noticed some crashing between 11 PM and…

BioWare vs. Interplay @ GameSpy

With the current BioWare/Interplay lawsuit, you really have to wonder what is going to happen with Neverwinter Nights. Well, GameSpy’s latest GameSpin article gives us some insight on the possible outcomes and what choices BioWare has if Interplay does not…

PoR v1.3 Patch Update

Chuck Yager made a quick update on the official Pool of Radiance website letting everyone know that they are working on a few last-minute bugs in the v1.3 patch for the game: We have delayed the release of the 1.3…

You’re still here?

Quick, scan the news and then go see Lord of the Rings! I know I don’t have to tell you that it opens today… well, last night yeah, but your best bet is to leave asap if you don’t yet…

BlueSmoke’s Holiday Buying Map

You’re now being directed to a new edition of BlueSmoke’s Holiday 2001 Buying Guide. The only input required is to click the link, and you will be sped off to the destination mentioned above. If that is not your wish…

Feargus Urquhart, Fallout 3?

On the Black Isle Studio forums, the fearless leader of the company, Feargus Urquhart, has addressed many current issues that BIS now faces. Especially check out the part at the end, which may be excruciatingly good news: Well there is…

Equipment Update

I apologize for the lack of an equipment update yesterday, but there haven’t been many submissions, so my hands are a bit tied to come up with lotsa new equipment. Again, if you possess any equipment not in our armor…

Patch 1.39 Release Notes

Sanya has posted the v1.39 release notes up on Camelot Herald, now that they went officially “live” today. Additionally, she posted the notes for another patch they put up this afternoon that fixes a couple of the problems introduced with…