
Steve Fawkner Interview Part II

Part Two of MGON’s interview with Steve Fawkner of SSG is now available for public consumption, once again talking about their upcoming Warlords Battlecry II. A snippet to follow: MGON: What do you have to do to the game before…

Lotsa Dungeon Siege Goodness

GamesDomain has quite a few goodies for Dungeon Siege fans today, including a preview, two new screenshots showing off the town of Stonebridge, and an in-game movie (available in both a 2.3 MB short version and 5.3 MB lengthy version).…

Equipment Update

Today I’ve entered more Midgard armor from our equipment pages into the Armor Database and have created our new Weapons Database as well. The weapons database includes all of the vendor-bought items that our old one had, as well as…

Dominion Artwork

Pharaoh Productions has released some artwork showing off the Zombie from their upcoming MMORPG Dominion.

WoW Preview

M3dia Online has put together a preview of Blizzard’s upcoming MMORPG World of Warcraft. Here’s a snippet: The developers are keen to make World of Warcraft almost instantly accessable, even to the newest players to join the MMORPG ranks. How…

Interview with Dungeon Siege Artist

Over at PlanetDungeonSiege, there’s a new quick and dirty interview with Artist, Lee Phemister. Direct your browser over there and besides a little insight, you’ll find something reminiscent of this: Q: What is your current project you are working on?…

Equipment Update

I continue to enter items from our equipment pages into the new armor database. Today, all Albion armor is in the database (including 34 new items from Stonehenge Barrows), as well as some of our Midgard armor. I’ll hopefully have…

Interview on Black Moon Chronicles

The upcoming MMORPG Black Moon Chronicles: The Winds of War from Vircom Interactive pushed GameSpy to comfort Humberto Valencia for an in-depth interview about the game. A part is quoted below: GameSpyDaily: For those that don’t know, how will you…

Mark Jacobs Public Letter

Mark Jacobs of Mythic Entertainment has put together a public letter that can be found both on Camelot Herald and in your Dark Age of Camelot patch notes. In the letter, Mark takes the time to thank everyone who plays…

E3 2002

In case any of you plan on attending E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) this year, the registration site is now available. The earlier you register, the cheaper it is, so head on over and sign up here.