
Dark Age of Camelot Chat

Just a reminder for those of you who might not have caught the news a few days ago… Camelot Vault will be hosting an IRC chat this evening at 7:00 PM EST with Mythic Entertainment, so if you’d like to…

BioWare Interview

Today’s GameSpin article on GameSpy includes an interview with Greg Zeschuk and Ray Muzyka of BioWare about their upcoming Neverwinter Nights. The interview was conducted before the news that Interplay will not be publishing the game, so unfortunately there is…

Morrowind Preview

NVidia has put together a preview of Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind, elaborating on specific aspects of the game, such as cultures, politics, religion, and more. Here’s a taste: Vardenfell’s greatest challenges are its mutually hostile cultures, its cruel and untamed wildernesses,…

BG2 Ascension MOD Patch

David Gaider has released a new patch for his Baldur’s Gate II MOD, Ascension, that includes the following fixes: – If Sarevok couldn’t see Irenicus, he didn’t initiate dialogue with him. – Sarevok’s portrait still visible after he betrayed the…

Warcraft III Tidbits

There are a couple interesting pieces of news regarding Blizzard’s upcoming Warcraft III today, including a new preview of the game over at Invisible Dreams that includes the following snippet: WarCraft III picks up a few years after WarCraft Adventures…

Equipment Update

Here’s a small Albion equipment update before I head in-game… Updated Albion Belts: Girdle of Cat-like MovementUpdated Albion Crushing: Darkened SledgeUpdated Albion Neck: Grass Choker, Snowdonian Bandit Warmer, Troll Bone Necklace

Patch 1.37c Release Notes

Today, Mythic patched the game to version 1.37c, which includes *a lot* of interesting enhancements. With this patch, Stonehenge Barrows is now itemized, so I will be logging in shortly to do some farming =). Expect a Barrows item update…

Morrowind News

It seems Bethesda’s highly anticipated Morrowind continues to receive a lot of coverage around the ‘net, and today is no different. First of all, there are fourteen screenshots and sixteen pieces of character art from the Xbox version of the…

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Ships

Black Isle Studios sent out a press release announcing that Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance has officially shipped. Here’s the scoop on what looks to be an awesome game (wish I owned a PS2): IRVINE, California, December 3, 2001 – Black…