
Equipment Update

I’ve finally renovated the Midgard equipment section and now have quite a few items to start off the new section with. Updated Midgard Arms (Chain): Wyrm SleevesUpdated Midgard Arms (Cloth): Sleeves of the MalignantUpdated Midgard Arms (Studded): Birk’s Strength Sleeves,…

GameSpy 2001 Game of the Year Awards

GameSpy is now taking votes for the 2001 Game of the Year awards, which spans a multitude of categories. In the RPG of the Year section, we have the following games to choose from: AnachronoxAnarchy OnlineArcanumDark Age of CamelotEvil IslandsLineage:…

Wizardry 8 Patch

Sirtech has released patch v001b for their recently released Wizardry 8, which can be found over at 3D Gamers. Here’s a snippet of what the patch addresses: Sirtech sends 3D Gamers a new patch for Wizardry 8, updating their just-released…

Equipment Update

Well, I’ve moved from Albion and am now playing a couple of characters on Midgard. I’m putting together my first hefty update of equipment from the new realm, but until it’s ready, here are several items from Albion. Updated Albion…

Sanya Thomas Q&A

There’s a short Q&A with Sanya Thomas of Mythic Entertainment over on DAoC Catacombs, where they ask her about land expansion, server overcrowding, guild functionality, and more. Here’s a snippet: Q: With many of the servers hitting the 3000+ mark,…

Throne of Bhaal Beta Patch

BioWare has made a new *beta* patch available for Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal owners that addresses an issue with save and load times. Here’s a rip from their site: This BETA patch is being provided to fix a…

Equipment and Spell Update

Here’s a fairly large equipment update spanning both the Albion and Hibernia realms. Additionally, I have went back into our Albion spell section and updated the Minstrel, Paladin, and Wizard spells with exact damage, power consumption, etc. I will be…

Camelot Humor @ GameSpy

There’s a comical Dark Age of Camelot article posted up over at GameSpy, describing the journey of one character as he gains levels, joins a guild, and more. A taste to follow: Then, one morning as I was sauntering around…

Might & Magic IX Q&A

The website MM-World has put together a Q&A with 3DO, talking about several changes that will be implemented into their upcoming Might & Magic IX. Here’s a snippet: Q: A point of criticism of M&M7 and M&M8 had been that…

My Wizardry 8 Initial Impressions

After waiting fervently since early this year after having experienced the demo back then, I can finally say I’m now happily dogpaddling just to stay alive in the full version of Wizardry 8 and will be writing a review of…